Over the past few weeks, eBRT2030 project partners have been getting the word out about the project across the world. On 19-21 November, UITP and Tecnalia attended the Global Mobility Call in Madrid and presented the project in a presentation about a new generation of BRTs for green cities.
Project Partner Polis Network held their annual conference in Karlsruhe, Germany, on 27-28 November which proved to be another opportunity to present the project in a session dedicated to electrifying buses and trucks. The event brought together a range of stakeholders, from mobility experts to policymakers and local authorities to hear about the work done in eBRT2030 and our upcoming demos.
Finally, eBRT2030 project partners were also present at UITP’s event celebrating 50 years of BRT in Curitiba, Brazil on 27-29 November. Project partners Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB) and Trivector Traffic separately presented eBRT2030 and its objectives to a global audience. Sessions where the project was presented included one on Roadmap to zero: Transforming BRTs to carbon-neutral systems and the second on Evolving Planning and Concept Design for Bus Rapid Transit Systems worldwide.
Project partners continue to cross the globe to get the word out about eBRT2030 and EBRTs in general. More updates coming soon.