
What is happening

The Prague EBRT line will demonstrate In-Motion Charging of double articulated battery trolleybuses in the high demand bus line No. 119, which connects Vaclav Havel Airport Prague to the nearest metro station “Nádraží Veleslavín”. The key challenge of this demo is the efficient combination of In-Motion Charging section operation (trolleybus mode) and unwired section operation (battery mode) with possibility of opportunity charging at terminals and at the depot. The goal is to decrease the ratio of wired section to approximately 55-60% and also to allow an unwired connection between depot and bus line. 

Bus line No. 119 is now operated by articulated diesel buses (Euro V and Euro VI). It is one of the busiest bus lines in Prague (before COVID19 in 2019 there were 20.000 pax/day). As such, there is the need to increase the bus line capacity to satisfy passenger demand, to increase operational and energy efficiency and decrease environmental impact of bus operation. 

The key objectives of this demo are: 

  1. Sustainable zero emission operation at this high demand bus line using high-capacity vehicles
  2. CAPEX optimisation – decrease ratio of wired sections, combination of in-motion charging sections and opportunity charging at loops
  3. OPEX optimisation – increase energy efficiency, decrease reserved power peaks, optimize charging power and charging time 
  4. Battery lifecycle optimisation: optimise charging power and charging time (energy management) 
  5. Environment friendly operation at the gateway public transport line from Prague Airport to Prague City.
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Eindhoven Region


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